Alternativas de backup para todos los servicios

Servicio de backup

Ofrecemos diferentes servicios de backup y de resguardo de datos para cada necesidad, los cuales pueden complementarse.

Resguarde sus datos creando esquemas complejos de backup automatizados. Realice copias de seguridad de Servidores Cloud, Dedicados y de su PC de escritorio


Storage para backup

Cloud server backup

Storage para Backup

Realice copias de seguridad de Servidores Cloud y Dedicados en el espacio de Storage remoto para backup con acceso NFS (Linux) o iSCSI (Windows). Puede utilizar las herramientas del sistema operativo para crear backups automáticos o simplemente copiar los archivos importantes.

Storage para Backup Espacio en disco Contratar
Valor mensual
100GB 100 GB Contratar ahora $15
15GB 15 GB Contratar ahora $5
50GB 50 GB Contratar ahora $10
250GB 250 GB Contratar ahora $30
500GB 500 GB Contratar ahora $50
1TB 1 TB Contratar ahora $95

Valores en dólares estadounidenses (USD). Métodos de pago.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Dudas? ¿Consultas? Contáctenos

The purpose of this service is to set up a remote storage to make your backup copies. Remote storage will mount using NFS or iSCSI protocol an additional remote drive. In this way you can make your backups or copy the files that you consider critical using tools of the operating system or the software that you want.
When you need a restore it takes the files you need from the remote storage. In the case of a reinstallation of the server, the remote storage is remounted so that it returns to the most recent files.

The purpose of this service is to set up a remote storage to make your backup copies. Remote storage will provide additional space in a different storage than where your Cloud Server runs, mounting a direct unit of the contracted space. In this way you can make your backup copies or copy the files that you consider critical using operating system tools or software of your choice.
When you need a restore it takes the files you need from the remote storage. In the case of a reinstallation of the server, the remote storage is remounted so that it returns to the most recent files.

This service can be complemented with Virtual Server Backup

The purpose of this service is to provide storage for you to make your backup copies. The backup storage will provide additional space in a different storage to where your Cloud Server virtual machines run, having a different storage policy than the production one. This way you can select this policy and create disks directly on the VMs using this space or use disks by name. In this way you can make your backup copies or copy the files that you consider critical using operating system tools or the software you want in each virtual machine
When you need a restore it takes the files you need from the remote storage.

This service can be complemented with Virtual Server Backup

Backup Servidor Cloud

Realiza copias de seguridad del Servidor Cloud mediante imágenes. Resguarda tu máquina virtual completa y regresa al punto de restauración requerido en cualquier momento.

Backup Servidor Cloud Contratar
Valor mensual
Onsite Semanal, 2 restore points 1 Contratar ahora 25% valor del plan
Onsite Diario, 7 restore points 1 Contratar ahora 50% valor del plan
Offsite Semanal, 2 restore points 1 Contratar ahora 40% valor del plan
Offsite Diario, 7 restore points 1 Contratar ahora 70% valor del plan

Valores en dólares estadounidenses (USD). Métodos de pago.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Dudas? ¿Consultas? Contáctenos

A copy of the Cloud Server is made, according to the periodicity and the contracted restore points. In the event that you need to restore the VM, you only have to request the support area to return to the indicated restore point. The value of this service varies according to the size of the disk, the periodicity and the contracted restore points. In addition, it can be complemented with Remote Storage for backup of specific files within the virtual machine.

The "Disks by Name" are independent of the VMs and these special disks are not taken by the Backup. Pay special attention to this point since the flexibility of using this type of disks has as a counterpart that they are not included in the backup.

A copy of all the virtual machines within the Virtual Datacenter is made, according to the periodicity and the contracted restore points. In the event that a VM needs to be restored, the VM is recovered to the indicated restore point, restoring it as a new one and leaving the previous VM if the Virtual Datacenter has the available storage resources or the previous one is overwritten if it does not.

When deleting a VM, it is not possible to continue taking backups, so after 7 days they expire and the restore points are deleted.