DataCenter Virtual Gratis (Cloud Gratis Argentina) - BAEHOST Cloud

DataCenter Virtual Gratis

Cloud Cluster: arquitectura redundante y alta disponibilidad. Almacenamiento Fibrechannel SAN. Discos SAS y tier SSD en RAID. Storage IOPS Booster: Multi TIER SSD

Cloud router. Capacidades de routing, firewall, NAT, VPN IPSEC, entre otras. Redes privadas VXLAN entre las VMs

Potentes servidores INTEL XEON E5


Cluster redundante y alta disponibilidad

Servidores Virtuales Linux y Windows Server (incluye licencia para todas las VMs). Acceso usuario root o administrador sin restricciones

Plantillas BAEHOST y Bitnami - VM preconfiguradas

Locaciones: Argentina Argentina o Colombia Colombia

Datacenter: Tier III Plus (ISO/IEC 27001, 20000 & BCRA A-4069) o Tier II

¡Explora GRATIS nuestro servicio antes de contratarlo!

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$ 0.00
Durante 12 días podés explorar nuestro servicio, sin cargo alguno ni compromiso. Luego podes continuar con el mismo o escalar al deseado.
  • 4 máquinas virtuales
  • 4 vCores Xeon cpu ampliable
  • 4 GB memoria ram ampliable
  • 400 GB almacenamiento ampliable
  • 2 ipv4 pública fija ampliable

BAEHOST Cloud Portal

Console Cloud da la posibilidad de acceder a la consola del servidor con conexión directa al monitor, teclado y mouse sin utilizar la red del servidor. Además, permite reiniciarlo, apagarlo y encenderlo de manera remota, entre otras. Puede acceder a estas funcionalidades desde nuestro panel de control. El acceso es mediante una conexión segura.

Cloud Router

Red privada propia con aislamiento de capa 2, NAT, firewall, DHCP, VPN y load balancing

BAEHOST Cloud network

Control total del Cloud Server

Desde el Área de Clientes accediendo a Servicios y luego al Cloud Server, puede realizar las siguientes acciones y obtener información:

Acceder a la consola. Puede ver y interactuar con monitor del servidor mediante acceso web. Este acceso no utiliza la red del servidor y es muy útil en caso de perder la conexión al servidor (por ejemplo, si establece un firewall que bloquea su propio acceso).
Encender y apagar el servidor.
Reiniciar el servidor mediante software (presionando las teclas CRTL+ALT+DEL) o forzosamente.
Obtener la dirección IP asignada.
Conocer el estado del servidor Cloud.
Observar los recursos asignados (CPU, memoria y almacenamiento).
Monitorear la utilización actual de recursos (CPU, Memoria, IO disco y red).
Conocer la utilización histórica del uso de recursos (CPU, Memoria, IO disco y red).

Cloud Server monitoring

Alta disponibilidad y continuidad de servicio

HA brinda alta disponibilidad a las máquinas virtuales y a los hosts de virtualización configurados en cluster. Supervisa y monitorea permanentemente a ambos y, en caso de fallar el host, HA reinicia las máquinas virtuales hacia los hosts que posean capacidad. Cuando se agregan nuevas máquinas virtuales a un clúster de HA, este comprueba si existe la capacidad suficiente para encender la máquina virtual en un host diferente en caso de falla.

Recursos disponibles y balanceados

Cloud Balancer provee balanceo a los recursos del cluster en tiempo real. Supervisa la distribución y el uso de recursos de CPU, memoria e IOPS para todos los hosts y las máquinas virtuales del clúster. Cloud Balancer compara estas métricas con una utilización ideal de recursos teniendo en cuenta los atributos de sus conjuntos, las máquinas virtuales del clúster, la demanda actual y el objetivo de desequilibrio. Con estos datos, realiza las migraciones de máquinas virtuales a fin de mantener el equilibrio. Al encender por primera vez una máquina virtual en el cluster, Cloud Balancer mantiene el equilibrio de carga adecuado, colocando la máquina virtual en el host adecuado.

Incluido en los servicios como estándar:

Brindamos el respaldo profesional que necesita para optimizar su negocio. Contamos con tecnología de punta, más de 3000 servidores activos y una vasta trayectoria en el mercado de Nube y Hosting que data desde el año 2002.

Cloud 100%

Nube propia. Virtualización Premium.

En Argentina

Múltiples DataCenter World Class en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Uptime y baja latencia

Windows Server & SQL Server

Windows Server.
SQL Server. (Opcional disponible)


Linux (free): Ubuntu, Debian, Centos, AlmaLinux.


Red con protección ataques DDoS + TCP SYN Check & TCP Sequence Check

Consola VM

Consola remota: Video, teclado y mouse remotos (out-of-band). Reinicio y encendido remoto desde el área de clientes


Almacenamiento Fibrechannel SAN. Discos SAS y tier SSD en RAID

Panel de Control Web Hosting

cPanel/WHM, Plesk, Directadmin, ISPConfig, WebSite Panel, Virtualmin. (Opcional disponible).

IPv6 disponible

IPv6 con ruteo nativo (sin túnel) para los servidores. Se asigna un prefijo /64 por cliente sin costo adicional. Información IPv6 en Argentina


Uptime 99,99%


Crecimiento garantizado. Podés subir de plan o agregar recursos en cualquier momento.


Registro PTR, reverso de la IP.

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Dudas? ¿Consultas? Contáctenos

We have two options for making backup copies that can complement each other:

  1. You can add storage other than the one the virtual machine runs for backup using any operating system tools or software of your choice.
  2. Additional Backup-VM service where a backup copy of the entire virtual machine is made. You can ask support to go back to a previous restore point.

More info at

Yes, whenever legal or free and can be supported by the server operating system. We will provide the Microsoft licenses legally.

Yes, it is possible to create Microsoft Windows Server virtual machines (the service includes the Microsoft license for the Windows Server operating system). You can also create "free" Linux virtual machines. that do not require a license. We have pre-configured Windows Server and Linux virtual machine catalogs available or can be installed from the .iso image available in the media catalog.

The virtual DataCenter has one or more internal network (private IP addresses) where the servers are connected and an external network (public IP addresses). Internet connectivity is done with edge router and firewall, among other functions, which allows you to manage security rules and Internet connectivity using NAT. It also allows you to use DHCP service on the internal network, create site-to-site IPSEC VPNs to connect the company network to the internal network of the virtual DataCenter, and perform load balancing on the servers of the virtual DataCenter.

It is very fast, between 5 and 180 minutes, after completing the steps required to activate the service registration. Some services are automatically activated upon receipt of payment if you have another active service.

You can connect to the server using the direct console located at client area. This uses the network access server and allows direct access to the video / monitor, keyboard and mouse of the VM (such as KVM) to reboot, shutdown, start and stop the VM remotely. You can also access the network server using SSH (for Linux servers) or RDP Remote Desktop (for Windows servers). You agree to root for servers with Linux or Windows server administrator, without any restrictions.

You can find more information about Cloud Servers on our Blog:

Yes, you can provide web hosting and / or sell the service. We offer Cloud Servers with control panes installed, ready to provide Web hosting: cPanel, Plesk and DirectAdmin and others.

You can create the maximum number of virtual machines that the plan allows, always within the resources (CPU, disk space and RAM) of the plan. A powered off virtual machine does not consume memory or CPU, but it does consume disk space.

Yes, from the BAEHOST client area you can manage the reverse names of the dedicated IP addresses of your servers. It does it from the "rDNS Manager".

A Cloud Server includes technical support for connectivity, hardware, remote access. Additionally, you can hire support for the operating system and software.

We have two options for making backup copies that can complement each other:

  1. You can add storage other than the one the virtual machine runs for backup using any operating system tools or software of your choice.
  2. Additional Backup-VM service where a backup copy of the entire virtual machine is made. You can ask support to go back to a previous restore point.

More info at

Storage Fibre Channel network (SAN) in double o more multipath (MPIO), with redundant fiber optic switches and SAS drives in RAID 10 with SSD tier and cache. This gives them greater speed, read and write (IOPS) to access the virtual disk servers. 100% redundant: to the failure of a disk, it is replaced transparently to the client.

BAEHOST Cloud Server VPS
Cloud tech, CLOUD virtualization. Free Virtualizer on the same operating system.
Premium support agreement with CLOUD. Without support or community support.
Cloud Balancer ensure that each virtual machine to be executed in a totally isolated environment and resources allocated so guaranteed, without sharing the base or Kernel operating system, which allows you to install multiple operating systems with different characteristics at 64 and in 32 bits. In a VPS, the only operating system is partitioned into virtual machines, and share resources and Base Operating System Kernel. The number of bits of the virtual machine must be equal to the virtualizer operating system.
FiberChannel Storage SAN, RAID disks and SSD cache. Local Storage.
Resource consumption of a virtual machine does not affect the others. The saturation of a virtual machine affects the others.
Redundant and highly available cluster. If a virtualization node stops working, or the VM stop responding, it will be restarted on another node available to continue the service. If the node or enter into maintenance mode were to be close to the threshold of its load, VMs are automatically moved to free nodes to balance the use of cluster. The VPS are executed within one machine, without redundancy. Manual load distribution is required. To move the VM from a node to another, you should restart it.

Linux (free), Cloud Linux and Windows Server (with additional cost). We have the most used Linux distributions such as Centos, Debian and Ubuntu Server (among others that you can request). Additionally you can choose Cloud Linux or Windows Server (several versions available).

It is a service that lets you have your own server connected to the Internet, which does not require an initial investment and the cost suits the need of your project. Using VMware technology, BAEHOST divided high-end equipment in virtual machines, also known as VM, Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS), Cloud Server or Virtual Private Server (VPS). Thanks to this technique, each virtual machine has its own dedicated resources and operating systems, providing greater control and optimal levels of flexibility, reliability and performance compared to a VPS. Our virtual servers are oriented towards stronger resources and intensive applications, with dynamic redundancy. All this allows the user to enterprise-level virtualization.

  • Completely independent virtual machine.
  • Independent operating system 32 or 64 bits for each virtual machine.
  • Physical resources are not shared: CPU, memory, hard drive, etc. All of them are physically assigned to virtual machines, which prevents the "burst" resources.
  • Recommended for applications with high resources and intensive: databases, web servers and application servers, among others.
  • Stable, powerful and sure. It gives users more control.

You only have to click on the "Signup" button of the chosen plan and follow the indicated steps until you receive the order number and confirmation of payment.

It is a service that lets you have your own data center connected to the Internet. BAEHOST divided high-end equipment in Virtual DataCenter also called DC (Virtual Data Center) DCs within virtual machines (VM or VPS) run. With this virtualization technique, every DataCenter and each virtual machine has its own dedicated resources and operating system providing greater control, flexibility and higher levels of reliability and performance compared. The Virtual Data Center BAEHOST are oriented towards stronger resources and intensive applications, with dynamic redundancy. Consequently, this type of solution offers enterprise-level virtualization.

Red Datacenter Virtual

  • NSX Edge: Firewall, NAT, and VPN
  • Separate 32-bit or 64-bit operating system for each virtual machine
  • DataCenter completely independent and separate from others
  • No physical resources (CPU, memory, hard drive) are shared, all resources are physically assigned to virtual machines, not allowing virtual machines to burst resources
  • Recommended for high resource and intensive use applications, such as databases, web servers, application servers, etc.
  • Stable, powerful, secure and gives users more control. Enterprise-grade virtualization

At any time without reinstalling the operating system, you can switch to a higher plan, which enables you to gain more RAM, CPU and disk space. IP addresses and connectivity can be added individually.

Virtual servers are connected directly to the Internet backbone. You can configure a firewall on the virtual server using the operating system tools.

INTEL XEONHigh-performance servers with Intel Xeon E5 processors, Intel HT Technology and Intel VT virtualization exclusive. ECC RAM high speed, redundant power supply and SSDs. Thanks to this, virtual servers run faster and are more stable and secure. Configured in redundant cluster,

You can connect to the DataCenter using the individual Cloud console (created especially for each client) by accessing the indicated URL, this access does not use the server network (out of band). It allows you to manage the entire virtual Datacenter and get direct access to the VM's video/monitor, keyboard, and mouse (like a KVM), create, share, allocate resources, mount CDs, reboot, power off, power on, and suspend virtual servers within the DataCenter. Allowing to create users and assign permissions within the DataCenter. You can also access using the server's network (in band) by SSH for Linux servers or Remote Desktop RDP for Windows servers.

Totally, since you're the only one with the key administrator. CLOUD technology creates individual virtual machines, unlike the VPS, do not share the base operating system. This provides a safe environment and allows access only to your virtual machine.

When you shut down a VM you free up CPU and RAM resources. Maintains storage usage and the VM counts in the total virtual machines.

Yes, VMs in OVA/OVF format and ISO files up to 100GB can be uploaded and downloaded.

Yes, from the BAEHOST client area you can manage the reverse names of the dedicated IP addresses of your servers. It does it from the "rDNS Manager".