Free Cloud Web Hosting PHP, MySQL, ASP, .NET, MSSQL

Try for FREE before signup!

Try our services 12 days for free and without obligation before signup. The best way to know our services. Then you can continue with it or escalate to the desired one.


Elastic Sites Certified

Automatic backup and wizard

Google Apps, Gsuite, Office 365 Support

Full statistics and graphs of visits

White label DNS, IPv6 Web Hosting

Domain alias and subdomains no limits

Locations: Argentina Argentina

  • Professional website
Professional PHP
$ 0.00
Try our services 12 days for free and without obligation before signup. The best way to know our services. Then you can continue with it or escalate to the desired one.
See more features Professional
  • 2 Core Xeon CPU
  • 1.5 GB RAM memory
  • 125 GB SSD Storage
  • 250 GB Transfer
  • Secure site HTTPS, free SSL Certificate
  • Unlimited email accounts
  • cPanel, HTTP/2, MySQL, SSH access, Perl
  • PHP 8.4 and legacy versions
  • Python, Ruby, Node.JS, Git, JetBackup
  • Professional website
Professional .NET
$ 0.00
Try our services 12 days for free and without obligation before signup. The best way to know our services. Then you can continue with it or escalate to the desired one.
  • 2 Core Xeon CPU
  • 1.5 GB RAM memory
  • 125 GB SSD Storage
  • 250 GB Transfer
  • Secure site HTTPS, free SSL Certificate
  • Unlimited email accounts
  • Plesk, ASP.NET, .NET Core 9 and legacy versions, MVC, ASP
  • SQL Server, Git, Plesk Backup

PHP Web Hosting powered by cPanel

cPanel is a Control Panel and administration interface that makes it easy for you to manage your hosting on Linux

CloudLinux, lsapi PRO, HTTP/2, CageFS

Apache based for PHP projects

PHP version and extensions selector

PHP 8/7/5, Node.JS, Perl, Python, Ruby

Crontab tasks

ModSecurity WAF, Imunify360 Antivirus

SSH access, Custom DNS records

MySQL, Remote access Data Bases

Git Version Control, JetBackup

Easy to use, friendly interface

Create new email accounts easily

Easily create and manage databases

Try for FREE before signup!

Web Hosting Free. 12 days for free and without obligation before signup. The best way to know our services. Then you can continue with it or escalate to the desired one.. Plan: Professional

.NET Web Hosting powered by Plesk

Plesk is a Control Panel and administration interface that makes it easy for you to manage your hosting on Windows

Windows Server, IIS, HTTP/2, .NET, MVC

IIS based for .NET projects

.NET Core Runtime & ASP.NET Core

Classic ASP (.asp)

Crontab tasks

ModSecurity WAF, Antivirus

Easily create and manage databases

Git Version Control

Plesk Backup

Custom DNS records

MS SQL Server

Remote access Data Bases

Easy to use, friendly interface

Create new email accounts easily

Easily create and manage databases

Included with all packages

We provide the professional support you need to optimize your business. We have advanced technology, more than 3000 active servers and vast experience in the hosting and Cloud market dating from 2002.

Quick deployment

Activation in minutes after completing the steps required


Multiple DataCenters located in Buenos Aires City (DC), Argentina. 99.99% uptime

24x7x365 support

Support team committed to customer satisfaction

Development and programming

We have the most widely used languages and tools on the market for your development work smoothly

Premium Web Hosting

Premium Web Hosting service with state-of-the-art servers and guaranteed resources and all available tools

Managed service

We maintain servers updated with the latest versions of software and perform backups

More power, concurrence and high traffic? Corporate Cloud Web Hosting

Specialized web hosting for high demands for online stores and CMS: greater processes, high concurrency and greater available memory.

Corporate Cloud Web Hosting

Control, performance and customization? Dedicated Cloud Web Hosting - Cloud VPS Hosting

For demanding web sites Dedicated Web Hosting is the right way. The most commonly used Control panels are available to generate your hosting business.

Dedicated Cloud Web Hosting - Cloud VPS Hosting

Build your professional website in simple steps

Make your professional website yourself. With the website builder of BAEHOST have your website in minutes.. Plan: Builder

Order WebSite Builder

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer you need? Please contact us and we will be happy to help!

All plans have MySQL databases. If you need Microsoft SQL Server, you'll need to select a .NET plan.

It is a service that allows you to put your website online so that all people can access it through the Internet.
Using state-of-the-art technology and powerful servers in the Cloud, we generate a world-class web hosting service.
It also includes email boxes with antivirus and antispam, FTP accounts to access the content and SQL databases to use with the website, among other features.

You can connect to external API services that use HTTP (TCP/80) and HTTPS (TCP/443) ports. Other ports are not allowed for security reasons.

You can find more information about Web Hosting on our Blog:

All plans have unlimited accounts. You can create as many email accounts (@yourdomain) as you need.

The choice of the Web Hosting platform is very important, and it does not depend on the computer you use or the web development program. The choice indicates on which platform your website will be published and run on the Internet, and will only depend on whether your site needs to run .NET or ASP code, or if it requires a Microsoft SQL Server database. If not, the choice of PHP (Linux) is appropriate. For example, if your website is pure HTML and/or PHP you should choose PHP.

You need a .NET plan to run .NET or ASP code. It also includes SQL server.

It is very fast, between 5 and 180 minutes, after completing the steps required to activate the service registration. Some services are automatically activated upon receipt of payment if you have another active service.

Every time you make an annual payment for the Cloud Web Hosting service you get the discount.

You can access using a POP3/IMAP client like Outlook, Windows Mail, Thunderbird or others. Remember that the POP3 protocol downloads the emails to the device and the IMAP protocol leaves the emails on the server (recommended if the account is configured on several devices) or through the web, using our webmail (access in webmail.DOMAIN) through any computer and without the need to install any software or make configurations. Email accounts can also be accessed from smartphones and other devices.

You only have to click on the "Signup" button of the chosen plan and follow the indicated steps until you receive the order number and confirmation of payment.