Certificados SSL Argentina

Proteger los datos sensibles

La razón principal por la cual se utiliza un certificado SSL es mantener de manera confidencial la información que se envía a través de Internet, encriptándola de manera tal que sólo el destinatario puede entenderla y asegurando que el originario sea válido.

Esto es importante porque la información se transmite desde un servidor hacia el navegador. Los certificados SSL lo ayudan a mantener su sitio protegido.

Beneficios SSL

Cifrar sus transacciones en línea

Prevención de ataques phishing

Amplia gama de certificados SSL

Instalación en múltiples servidores

Rápida activación

Validación SSL extendida

Es el rango de certificado SSL de máxima protección. Los certificados de validación extendida (EV SSL) activan tanto el candado -encriptación de datos- como la barra verde en los navegadores más importantes

Este tipo de certificados SSL permite a los visitantes ver el nombre de su empresa en la barra de direcciones lo cual incrementa confiabilidad del sitio web.

Validación de Organización Barra verde

GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV $222 anual Contratar ahora SSL EV
Sectigo EV $152 anual Contratar ahora SSL EV
DigiCert Secure Site with EV $1105 anual Contratar ahora SSL EV
DigiCert Secure Site Pro with EV $1520 anual Contratar ahora SSL EV

Los certificados de validación extendida proporcionan el cifrado más potente disponible. Además, le permiten a un sitio web presentar su propia identidad y que esta pueda ser verificada para los visitantes.

Certificados SSL estándar

Protegen los datos sensibles y le otorgan confianza a los visitantes de su sitio web

GeoTrust RapidSSL

Validación de Dominio

Protección de Dominio

Cifrado 256 bits

Garantía 10 k

$20 anual

GeoTrust QuickSSL

Validación de Dominio

Protección de Dominio

Cifrado 256 bits

Garantía 100 k

$72 anual

GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium

Validación de Dominio

Protección de Dominio

Cifrado 256 bits

Garantía 500 k

$95 anual

GeoTrust True BusinessID

Validación de Organización

Protección de Dominio

Cifrado 256 bits

Garantía 1.25 m

$140 anual

GeoTrust RapidSSL Wildcard

Validación de Dominio

Protección de Dominio y todos los Subdominios

Cifrado 256 bits

Garantía 10 k

$136 anual

GeoTrust True Business ID Wildcard

Validación de Organización

Protección de Dominio y todos los Subdominios

Cifrado 256 bits

Garantía 1.25 m

$544 anual

Sectigo Essential

Validación de Dominio

Protección de Dominio

Cifrado 256 bits

Garantía 10 k

$30 anual

Sectigo Instant

Validación de Organización

Protección de Dominio

Cifrado 256 bits

Garantía 50 k

$46 anual

Sectigo Essential Wildcard

Validación de Dominio

Protección de Dominio y todos los Subdominios

Cifrado 256 bits

Garantía 10 k

$128 anual

Sectigo Premium Wildcard

Validación de Organización

Protección de Dominio y todos los Subdominios

Cifrado 256 bits

Garantía 250 k

$400 anual

DigiCert Secure Site

Validación de Organización

Protección de Dominio

Cifrado 256 bits

Garantía 1.5 m

$480 anual

DigiCert Secure Site Pro

Validación de Organización

Protección de Dominio

Cifrado 256 bits

Garantía 1.5 m

$1052 anual

Valores en dólares estadounidenses (USD). Métodos de pago.

SSL multi-dominio

Protección SSL para 3 dominios.. Agregue dominios adicionales en cualquier momento.

Sectigo UCC DV (3 domains - Domain Validation) $222 anual Contratar ahora SSL EV
Sectigo UCC DV +1 domain $40 anual Contratar ahora SSL EV
Sectigo UCC OV (3 domains - Organization Validation) $222 anual Contratar ahora SSL EV
Sectigo UCC OV +1 domain $40 anual Contratar ahora SSL EV

Preguntas frecuentes

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SSL certificates have a coverage guarantee issued by the issuer (certifying entity or certificate brand) that applies in the event that the owner suffers certain damages during use and whenever the issuer's negligence is proven. Each issuer applies certain conditions.

To certify a domain and all its subdomains including www, the recommended certificates are "Sectigo Essential Wildcard" and "GeoTrust RapidSSL Wildcard".

Comodo CA, announced that the company is changing the name of Sectigo. There are no changes to the certificates and the same service is maintained.

You can find more information about BAEHOST SSL certificates on our Blog: https://blog.baehost.com/?s=ssl

The private key is a fundamental part of the encryption and validation process. In the event that you lose the private key, the certificate will be rendered useless and you will have to generate a new one.

You only have to click on the "Signup" button of the chosen plan and follow the indicated steps until you receive the order number and confirmation of payment.

The certificate issuance time depends on the type of certificate and the certifying entity.

The data required to order a standard SSL certificate are: the data of the holder and technical contact, the type of server, the CSR generated on the server where the certificate will be installed (along with its private key) and an email address. in the domain to certify where the verification and approval email will be sent, this address can be admin@, postmaster@ or webmaster@

Domain-validated SSL certificates are certificates that are verified against the domain registrar. There is no organizational identification information for these certificates and therefore they provide the minimum level of security. Commonly they are not used for commercial purposes, but use them for internal purposes or generic sites. Visitors to a website with DV certificates cannot validate, through the certificate, whether the business on the site is legitimate and therefore often do NOT trust this type of certificate. These types of certificates are recommended to be used where security is not a concern, such as protected internal systems where internal customers or employees already know the established trust of the organization.

They provide the highest level of trust and security. It is used by most of the world's leading organizations. They have found that switching from OV to EV certificates increases online transactions and improves customer trust. It is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Sites secured with an EV SSL Certificate display the name of the organization in the certificate detail to quickly reassure visitors that the organization's legal and physical existence has been verified in accordance with strict industry standards. EV certificates restore the trust that users have for a secure website. The criteria for issuing EV certificates are defined in the Extended Validation Guidelines and provide a verification process that is much more stringent than for OV certificates. In addition to improving trust through the strictest authentication process, EV certificates trigger a green bar visible in modern browsers to distinguish the secure site from others. It is extremely difficult to spoof or spoof an EV-enabled site, because even if the web content can be duplicated, the green bar cannot be activated without a trusted EV certificate.

To certify a website (accessible with or without www) the recommended certificates are "Sectigo Essential" and "GeoTrust RapidSSL".

Organizational SSL certificates are trusted for business transactions. Organizations are strictly authenticated by real agents against company registration databases hosted by governments. Documents can be exchanged and staff can be contacted during validation to prove right of use. Therefore, OV certificates contain legitimate business information. This is the standard type of certificate required on a commercial or public website. OV certificates conform to RFC X.509 standards and therefore contain all the information necessary to validate the organization.

To renew a certificate, you must request a new one. You can use a private key that you already have if it meets the security requirements, otherwise you will need to generate a new private key.

It is very fast, between 5 and 180 minutes, after completing the steps required to activate the service registration. Some services are automatically activated upon receipt of payment if you have another active service.